All-In-One Fundraising Signup

a service of DonationXchange

  • Create a new All-In-One Account
    Select the fundraising tools you wish to include with your account:

    Questions? Call us at (847) 513-6460 x 2

    Get Started - enter your account email
    Enter the email address you would like to use as your account email. Must be a valid email address, password resets will be sent to this email address
    The Email field is required.
  • Account Profile
    A verification code has been sent To your email address. Input the code In the following textbox To verify your email.
    The Organization Name field is required.
    The Enter Password field is required.

    Are you an existing customer?

  • Financial Information
    To streamline our processes and keep your costs affordable, we remit all funds electronically via ACH. Funds will be remitted following an account verification.

  • Additional Services
    Priority Support:

    Event Day Support:

    By clicking Submit below, you agree To the CharityGiving Terms And Conditions